Why I Photograph Boudoir Photography


When someone asks me this question, I find it sometimes challenging to answer because there are SO many reasons why. Boudoir photography really isn’t about the photographs themselves, it’s about the experience and the transformation these women go through. Being put in this vulnerable state, women are forced to see themselves through a new perspective - to see how breath-taking they really are. Boudoir photography is about self-love, self-care, body positivity, and making every woman into an art piece. 

“My Why” starts when I was just a little girl. Growing up, I would always compare myself to the “popular kids.” I was always embarrassed about how I looked and who I was in general. I even have a memory of being self-conscience all the way back to the third grade, and just thinking about that truly breaks my heart. Through grade school and all the way through high school, I was always doing these fad diets and doing these crazy workouts, always trying to lose weight.

Unfortunately, in college, I really took a turn and developed a terrible eating disorder - it consumed me. I lost myself. I became obsessive, damaging, and I turned into a completely different person (not in a good way). I lost so much weight in a short period of time that it was not healthy. But I was never happy with myself.  No matter how many times I pushed myself to lose one more pound, it was never enough. I needed to lose more and more weight. I needed to look like these praised women in magazines/social media that we see everyday.

But in shorter words, I wasn’t being me and I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. I was not just affecting my physical and mental health, I was affecting everyone around me: my friends, family, loved ones. Everyone close to me didn’t know what to do to help me get better - they were terrified for me and my health. But luckily, I fortunately found my way and reached out to get help after some time.

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After recovering, I realized how I never want any woman to go through what I went through - to feel depressed and hateful towards yourself… it is a dark and scary place. I wanted to find a way to make a difference and to show each individual woman how beautiful she really is. And that’s when boudoir photography came into the picture. 

I cannot tell you how rewarding it is to have clients of mine literally transform in front of my eyes. To see each photograph unravel all of my client’s insecurities, all their self-doubts is one of the most beautiful things to experience. To show every woman (no matter their size, age, race, etc.) that they are beautiful in their own individual, unique way. It’s kind of therapeutic for me in a way. When being photographed, I capture your story. I capture all the struggles and obstacles you have been through throughout this lifetime. I am your advocate, your cheerleader, and most importantly your friend.

This is the reason I do Boudoir Photography.

Lauren Angelos